Learning WordPress and Blahgging

I’m kinda getting wordpress figured out. I was able to set it all up on my own cheap cloud server 5.00 bucks a month on Vultr. Looking ahead, my current plan might turn out to be not enough for a real website so I’m not sure how the migration/server upgrade process will be, but I’ll deal with that later. I’m using Caddy 2 on Ubuntu 20 something. Not so bad. I didn’t want to use wix or those other cookie cutter sites. I’m sure its easier but I wouldn’t learn as much from an IT perspective. This is the furthest I’ve gotten hosting and creating my own site, so I’m new to all this wordpress stuff. So many themes and plugins and all kinds of other garbage. Some of them even (of course) want you to “pay for pro”. I don’t need a shopping cart and all that. All I want really is a replacement for my facebook and twitter pages. I want to post pictures, videos, talk about stuff that interests me, and other random stuff, but on a blog I own my own data which is important. I know you can make money from ads too, but I’m not sure I want this personal space all clogged up with clickbait ads just yet. I may sell out if I ever get some sort of viewership. I realize this so far is just a big block of text and not so interesting but I’m just trying to stay busy with it and learn and eventually the posts will get better and better. If I ever do share anything interesting please feel free to comment, share, or send me death threats. At least I think I have the comments stuff set up now.

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